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Systems Implementation
It is important to NES to constantly add value and contribute to the success of our customer’s business endeavours. For this reason, we promote joint responsibility for the deployment of your chosen software solution.
The transfer of knowledge from NES to our customers is vital to ensure success. Therefore, New ERA Solutions’ approach is designed to involve the selected Toolset Community during the deployment of the solution, to achieve buy-in, empower the individual team member and to ultimately transfer operational knowledge.
Due to NES’ extensive experience in this filed, our Consultants take a leading role during the early stages of the deployment process. Through this process, we provide mentoring and training opportunities to manifest an acceptable knowledge base to support the day-to-day operations of the selected software solution. By employing this approach, your time to implement can be reduced by 50%, your internal project costs can be reduced between 40-80%, your ROI/payback is much higher and is quickly realised.
In addition, our Front and Back Office solutions’ flexibility remains following an implementation allowing the business to continually adapt their processes to meet the ever-changing market conditions and to maintain a competitive edge without ever touching the source code layer. This allows customers to take ownership of their systems and configure the system without ever affecting the foundation of the solution.
For Back Office deployments
As our expertise in Back Office deployment ranges across varying sizes of businesses and varying sizes of deployments, we have constructed more than one Deployment Methodology for the successful deployment of Back Office solutions.
For a Back Office solution deployment for companies that are just getting started with a formal Back Office solution
NES proposes our Rapid Time to Value solution and deployment of the Back Office software. This solution is based on our almost 20 years of experience in the implementation of Back Office solutions, which have allowed us to fast track the implementation and result through the establishment of frameworks and standards for the configuration.
Our Rapid Time to Value solution already caters for a base set of configurations across the Financial and Operational modules of the Back Office suite which will provide you with a tried and tested ERP system that will also allow for future growth within your business.
In you providing us with a short list of information, we can insert this information into the pre-set standards and have a fully functionality Back Office system, in a matter of weeks. This will avoid the typical pitfalls and headaches that come with lengthy workshops, design and customisation activities that are typical of archaic Back Office deployments.
For Back Office solution deployment for companies that are moving from one Back Office system to a new Back Office system
The proposed Back Office solution is based on extracting the current data / information from the existing Back Office system within your environment. During the extraction of this data from the existing system, same is formatted and placed within the NES Back Office company take-on framework, developed from our 20 years of experience in the deployment of Back Office solutions.
This will allow you to have a fully-fledged and operational Back Office solution with the data and setup information that your company has become used to from your existing system, removing the normal pain of Change Management and User resistance typically found during Back Office deployments. The differentiating factor of the NES Back Office solution being that you have now future-proofed your business and the solution will grow as your company grows.
For Back Office solution deployments in larger and more complex environments
NES proposes the implementation of the Back Office solution, as standard as possible within your environment.
Our implementation approach is based on conforming 99% to the standard Back Office best practices for processing and transactions, and as such our first step in the deployment is to align your business with these standard best practices within the Back Office solution, through the collection of your company specific data and structures to support these processes.
NES will perform workshops with you, in the documented standard processes within the Back Office solutions across the Financial core and Operational core modules, to educate you as to how these processes can be utilised as standard within your environment. During these workshops NES will also explain our company take on frameworks for setup information and master data information that will be required from you.
For Front Office deployments
NES uses Agile as the chosen deployment methodology for our Front Office solutions. For the User Stories, as accepted by you, NES will take responsibility to implement and release the same to the Production environment. The work covers the technical and architectural design, configuration and/or coding, testing and release management
More Information
User Stories means a description of a software feature from an End-User perspective. The User Story describes the type of users, what they want and why. A User Story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement.
The Agile Project Management tools, utilised by NES, will be installed in your environment and all User Stories for the release being worked on loaded and tracked within this application. This allows you to not only have visibility at any given point in time during the project but also ensures that your project team is an integral part, every step of the way, during the project execution. Agile, at its most core, is a full team effort and as such both teams must be available and able to execute accordingly on all tasks and User Stories as defined.
During the deployment of the project with you the Storyboards, and their related Epics will be planned into Sprints. Sprints is a controlled, time-based, section of work, which usually runs for 2 weeks.

At the beginning of each Sprint, a short planning meeting is held to confirm the User Stories to be delivered, and that will be reviewed during the Sprint Review session at the end of the Sprint. The Sprint Review session is to confirm that all items as planned, have been delivered, tested and accepted and can be deployed to the Production instance.
Status reporting will be prepared weekly, in the form of a one pager Dashboard, by NES, to present the overall progress and tracking of the project.
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